Human: — To cut waste, I decided to get a smaller trash bin. Rat: — We really loved our big old trash bin… if you know what I mean. Human: — Don’t worry, it will now stand by the back door, just in case.
By hiding your increased ability to discard 50% more trash at the same time as claiming you are reducing waste, is the equivalent of the celebutard flying a private jet whilst wagging their finger at you for eating steak.
Call me color blind and dumbfounded but employing a smaller bin to reduce one’s garbage is akin to this pearl we quoted in Vietnam, “ Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.”
By hiding your increased ability to discard 50% more trash at the same time as claiming you are reducing waste, is the equivalent of the celebutard flying a private jet whilst wagging their finger at you for eating steak.
Prove me wrong.
Call me color blind and dumbfounded but employing a smaller bin to reduce one’s garbage is akin to this pearl we quoted in Vietnam, “ Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.”