There's an old Jerry Seinfeld joke, something to the effect of: No matter how much happens in a day, it's always just enough to fit into the newspaper.
I used to have a rule of thumb — if there is weather on the front page of a newspaper, it means either that weather is very bad, or not enough other bad things have happened.
I picture the New York Times and its shrinking readership as analogous to those Japanese soldiers living for decades after World War II on their isolated islands.
Credit and debt are in the classifieds.
Yes indeed. The classifieds can tell the reader so much more than the perjured journalism can.
That is why one has to read multiple news papers, preferable from all different corners of the spectre. There are quite a few online to read for free!
If it is online and "free", YOU are the product being sold. (Or at least your eyeball/seconds & clicks).
There's an old Jerry Seinfeld joke, something to the effect of: No matter how much happens in a day, it's always just enough to fit into the newspaper.
I used to have a rule of thumb — if there is weather on the front page of a newspaper, it means either that weather is very bad, or not enough other bad things have happened.
Yes. Revolutions happen during rising expectations.
Revolutions happen when a large body of fighting age men have limited or no prospects.
Revolutions happen when repression is lifted.
All 3 just happened.
We’re liberated.
Happy Liberation Day.
@the long warred
I question applicability, context and/or existence of stated condition for all 5(?) of those statements.
But the brochure looks nice-
Then we disagree on reality in America and the Human condition. History and the present are my 3 “Revolutions Happen when” ….
The next 2 conditions are Trump’s yesterday.
In short; The Revolution started yesterday at Noon.
I hope Trump knows this, not that it changes the situation.
The legacy media is now in hospice. Call a dula, let them go. CNN, MSNBC Fox, CBS NPR et al… Go towards the light!
I picture the New York Times and its shrinking readership as analogous to those Japanese soldiers living for decades after World War II on their isolated islands.
A new day starts with us first.
new government or new world order?
@kitten seeking answers
Shhhh, follow the LASER.