What is wrong with simply showing people posts from those whom they choose to "follow" or "subscribe" to? To me so many social media sites view their viewers as "victims" so they feel the need to "Rescue" them by manipulating what they see on their feeds. We could do with a lot less manipulation. They could simply just give us more control over what we see and stop trying to interfere to "save" us.

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I find people with direct experience of the Soviet bloc and its aftermath tend to have a more realistic appraisal of power than people in the nominally liberal democracies. Not always, of course, but on the whole.

Power in flowery drag is still power and it follows its own meat-grinder logic. To the nominally liberal, that's a betrayal and they feel it personally. To the oligarchs, it's not personal; it's just business.

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Can you imagine actually using that platform? It has always been as big a sewer as Fedbook. I never touched it, now he torched it.

🤣 please enjoy. Polite speech needs no protection.

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I'm concerned that "negativity" might be a euphemism for "disagreement".

Without disagreement, you don't have debate or discussion, you only have Preaching To The Choir.

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Jan 4Edited

Funny is a positive, unregretted thing. A funny realization recently hit me: In China, they call the world's favorite billionaire "Eron". (Like in Japan, old style cameras went "crick".)

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Your strip is part of my wake up routine. I’m not sure if I’ve ever expressed to you how much I really appreciate having it in my life. Also, this is probably my favorite one you’ve done.

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How about a "Bail" button? Or an "Ignore" button? Or just don't play. I don't play with Musk-touched stuff--like platforms, vehicles, and Texas waters--he's poison

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Thanks, Rat--you're my hero!

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Our opinions on other matters are probably 80% different though :)

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Rat was rude today... lol

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My regretted seconds topped out today. Why was Musk's profane Tropical Thunder post OK under the standard he announced this morning? Something's not right over there. On the verge of signing out permanently. Reviewing my bookmarks is going to take some time, however.

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that is quite a fair faXcimile

Maybe write him some poems.

Roses are red,

Violets are purple,

I hope your day

On X is hopeful/ (or cheerful).

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I've long said that Twitter (now X) is a cesspool of dumpster fires. Of course, I have an account there, but I'm aware of the muck. I always use the "Following" option for my news feed, and if I find an account I follow does too many meme-like posts (which are dull, shallow content) with or without cutesy pictures, I'm likely to mute that account.

I'm probably the opposite of whom Elon is trying to cater to. What most people find entertaining (their precious, dull, shallow memes), I find to be not worth my time and attention.

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If I wanted unregretted user-seconds, I would revert to my former TDS personality and join BlueSky.

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A symbol for negation is X.

There should be an option for twitter users to not receive any suggestion from the magical algorithm.

The social engineers are editorializing your eyeballs. The sheer existence of social media is negative!!!

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'There should be an option for twitter users to not receive any suggestion from the magical algorithm.'

That sounds like a worthy suggestion.

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excellent likeness (AI?)

so we can’t criticize Neuralink on X?

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This is what dictatorship looks like.

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SpaceX is positive.

So was buying Twitter to stop the nuclear war train.

So was getting the Amish to the polls.

So was the H1-Boil being lanced, unintentionally…

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