Oh I do love his wreath! It reminds me of something.... now what could it be?..... I am old and slow these days..... sorry..... OH YEAH! It is identical to the wreath around the bottom of the United Nations symbol. Wow... I guess that might mean that the Roman Empire never actually fell at all, ever. I guess that it might mean that the United Nations is the Roman Empire on steroids.... whodathunkit? 🤣😂
My sister asked me this last week. I told her that if her sex worried more about what we like on our sandwiches, they’d be doing us all a favor.
Oh I do love his wreath! It reminds me of something.... now what could it be?..... I am old and slow these days..... sorry..... OH YEAH! It is identical to the wreath around the bottom of the United Nations symbol. Wow... I guess that might mean that the Roman Empire never actually fell at all, ever. I guess that it might mean that the United Nations is the Roman Empire on steroids.... whodathunkit? 🤣😂